Wednesday 5 January 2011

NME Research

In the last 12 months NME readers bought in average

45 CD singles- 135 each reader
39 CD albums- 430 for every reader
55% buy most of their music for a major music gain
46% specialist record shop
15 tracks download in last month
18 albums burned to computer

91% go to gigs
2 gigs per month
48% of readers have been to nme gig
at least 1 festival per year
92% agreed music is an important part of their lives
75% agree that they liked listening to new bands.

with 30 adverts on average per magazine, keeping in mind that some adverts take up more than 1 page, and about 18 small adds take up 1 whole page also the back cover holds an advert that means there are about 15 page with adverts inside. the percetages above help companys advertise and what product most suits the genre of the target audiences needs

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