Sunday 7 November 2010

So far in media studies we have been analyzing magazines. the magazine i analyzed is 'KERRANG!' i have counted the pages and the content inside the magazine for example how many pages of the magazine are adverts, how many are letters pages, how many are content pages and how many pages are TV/radio listings. i further my research by explaining what the adverts are, what is dominant and what the average cost of the products they are trying to sell are. by applying this task i aim to find out the demographics and psychographics of the magazines target audience.

kerrang is a rock/heavy metal magazine. the target audience is people who have an interest in rock//heavy metal music. the magazine reaches its target audience by giving news on events, bands and new releases.
kerrang uses demographics to lure gender, of which  60% are males and  40% are females which means the magazine needs to meet the demands of a very mixed gendered audience of boys and girls. kerrang uses sychographics to find people who aspire to be respected among other people and people who wish to have a high paid jobs. by studying and applying these 2 important conventions the publication successfully find its wanted target audience because its appeals to certain peoples lifestyles and there aspirations.

1 comment:

  1. wow, alex you done wrok keep it up mate hope u get what u want x
