Tuesday 23 November 2010

Uses and gratification

In class we learnt about Uses and gratifications. It is a popular approach to understanding a wide communication, with, for example an audience for a magazine.
i watch Skins, a program on channel 4, because its good. It gives my something to talk about with my friends and is a diversion to school work.
there are 4 main reasons we consume media, the audience have a set of needs which the media meets in one form or another.
the 4 main reasons why we consume the media:
1. diversion - a form of escape or release from every-day presures for example music, film, T.V or video games.
2. personal companionship - through identification with T.V characters and sociability through discussion about T.V with other people for example Skins, talking about it with my friends about what happened last episode.
3. personal identity - the ability to compare ones life with the characters and situations portrayed and explore individual problems and perspective e.g comparing your own life with people less fortunate.
4. surveillance - information about what is going on in the world for example magazine stating the latest news and gossip in the world.

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