Thursday 6 January 2011

(evaluation question) what kind of institution might distribute your music magazine and why?

after researching emap i found it would not be a good idea to use this as my distributor because it works with business magazine and my magazine is a music magazine.
i chose ipc media because it is the perfect distributor for my magazine as it works with the media and music which is what my magazines content holds.

to find an institute to distribute my magazine i had to research my audience which is; of a younger age and young people are addicted to computers in this day and age so therefore downloading music would probably be the most popular way of listening to music for example downloading off itunes because then they can put the music on there ipod/mp3. sites such as YouTube are popular as you can access all kinds of different songs and watch the music videos. TV channels such as viva, mtv and kerrang are all music channels this attracts young people as it has chart shows so the viewers can see the latest top bands. radio is not the biggest hit with young people so i wouldn't work a great deal on that so i would make a site and they would be able to download music, there would be links to YouTube  and to bring in more people i would give away free song with there first download.
hmv will be a main company wanting to advertise in my magazine as they sell music cd's, mp3's and more music related stuff.
orange is an advertiser in my magazine they give my readers a chance to buy tickets for a festivl or gig one day before the release date.

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