Thursday 6 January 2011

(evaluation question) how does your music magazine represent particular social groups

my magazine is similar to NME it has the same genre of music and the same sort of news represents social groups such as. my readers are passionate about music and as a result they like going to gigs so i have an event and gigs section and they are far more responsive to advertising in that area. they want to aspire so they read my magazine. Whether they are more positively disposed towards brands that they see as supporting their favourite magazine or accessing advertising that they see as particularly relevant to them and their lifestyles they are more likely than average to have taken action as a result of seeing an advertisement in my magazine. my target audience is a younger audience from around 16-30 because that is the audience that support indie genre of music.
quite a lot of my readers are still at education but the older ones are hedonists they like to enjoy life and may play an instrument or support bands.
it shows people that want to go out, have fun, go to festivals, gigs and that is what my audience want to aspire to  and some can relate to.

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