Thursday 6 January 2011

(evaluation question) how did you attract/ address the audience for your music publications

my music magazine front cover instantly attracts all kinds of audiences and the bold red letters catch peoples eyes. but what makes them want to read more and what brings my target audiences is the text, i want people who are interested in the indie/rock/pop genre of music which is why i named it 'indie radar' it says in the name radar this is because i want my viewers to instantly know that my magazine is a radar, and a radar represents knowing everything, and my tag line backs it up.
makes the point stand out even more that 'everything is on our radar'. my readers want to know or find out about new bands or news on existing bands  and my magazines radar catches everything. in my viewers spare time they want to be up to date with music so my magazine brings all of these needs to the table. on my front page i put in a bubble album of the week, this is a good way of anchoring the reader in, they ask themselves question and want to know but to know they need to open up the publication. the contents page has gripping headlines in it and also has  every subject the reader wants to know. and has 'the UK's no 1 gig guide'. so obviously y target audience being the kind that like to go out will want to read this to get information on the latest events.

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