Thursday 6 January 2011

(evaluation question) looking back at your preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have to learnt in the progression from it to the full product

When I compare my preliminary task and main task side-by-side like this I realise how much I have learnt over the course of only a few months. I had to take into account that while models, props and backdrops were easy to come across at school for the preliminary task as i was doing it in school and just grabbed any student i could find, however this would not be the same for the main task. so as soon as we got our real task i went home and organised the photo shoot which was in a studio so there were instruments and other music equipment i could use as i had in mind what i wanted as the main headlines however, I didn't think it would be as hard as it actually was to get good photos first time, however i took a few photos the next day so i didn't loose out.Comparing the front covers of my school magazine and my music magazine, there is a lot more content in my music magazine this is because the front cover is the most important in bringing in an audience and all space should be used effectively. I decided to see how my music magazine cover would look if it had roughly the same amount of content on it as the school magazine cover. but it did not work it looked more like a CD cover than a front page of a magazine.

Another thing I learnt in the progression from my preliminary to my main task was how modes of address differ in different types of magazines. In my school magazine, despite there not being much written content, it is obvious that there is an innovative tone with the slogan 'we ant your work on our walls'. On my music magazine's front page, however, there is the slogan 'we have everything on our radar'. this difference brings in the target audience that wants to find out about music news.

another thing i learnt in my preliminary task was from feedback by my classmates we did a video response on their likes and dislikes of our front pages. through this we could take notes on what to improve and what to keep the same and through time i found the perfect way to effectively attract the demographics and phsycographics of what should be my target audience.

Overall my progression through this project has taught me a lot. I learnt that just having a magazine that looks visually like a real product isn't good enough as there are many other factors to take into account e.g mode of address and codes and conventions and more included in this post and previous posts to reach my target audience. I am pleased with my music magazine and it is a lot better when compared to my school magazine. If I were to go back and re-do my preliminary task I am confident that, using what I have since learnt, I would be able to make it to a much higher standard.

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