Wednesday 5 January 2011

(evaluation question) in what way does your music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing music magazines?

There are a wide variety of types of music magazine, and therefore a wide variety of different conventions to which the different magazines abide. Earlier, in my magazine analysis and masthead analysis, I had a look at the different music magazines and decided that Mojo, Uncut and Q constitute as the quality magazines while NME and Kerrang!. I chose to make my magazine as a quality publication, which is why I shall be referencing more the codes and conventions of magazines like Mojo and Uncut, though I shall still look at NME and Kerrang! to get a better idea of the codes and conventions of music magazines as a whole.
my magazines mode of address has a colour scheme of dark purple back ground and bright red text. the dark purple background suggests a difference and mystery this makes the reader think about it and want to read it. the bright red text suggests urgency, this makes catches my audiences eyes by the bright colour and draws them in. the two colours combined make it easy to read. the genre of my music magazine is clearly indie as the title is indie radar. indie radar instantly grabs my target audiences attention as it says everything about my magazine in two words. my tag line serves the purpose of reiterating the title in a different way so the audience fully understand what my magazine is about its also a diversion, an escape from everyday pressures.
the front page image is an artist playing a guitar his costume is one that an indie artist would wear and his facial expression is serious which shows how serious music means to him according to my research most people can relate to it therefore brings more readers in. the use of language underneath the image is a quote which carries on to an inside story this leaves a mystery and makes the reader want to buy it and read it. the main image represents a lot of people the way they dress and their music they listen to so it grips them and makes them want to look at them for personal identity so they can compare there lives. i added in circle bubble a cover line with text saying brand new album inside this makes the reader want to know more as the research clearly states about 90% of people are interested in new bands.

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