Tuesday 23 November 2010

planning of the coursework

this are the images i drew to give myself an idea of what image/images i want to use for my front page of my music magazine. i thought about shot type, shot angle and lighting when drawing these pictures. i need to think about these conventions because they are key to meeting the psychographics of the target audience needs.
i will organise a photo-shoot based on the images i drew down below. In organising my photo-shoot i will need to think about the correct codes and conventions of my images for example the lighting, the time of day, where i want it, the scene. shot type, what the image will represent or mean and the uses and gratifications that it implies. Also the framing, i will need to think about what space i want to fill with text. By thinking about all of these important aspects of my photo-shoot and the images that i have draw below my photo-shoot will take place at around 06:00 PM when it is dark as i want a dark background to show that it is in the evening i will have 4 actors but not all will definitely be used.

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